RO: Imola a primit recomandare de la sora ei, careia i-au placut fotografiile si stilul meu. Ne-am intalnit, toti 3 si ne-am placut din prima. A urmat nunta, mica si calduroasa intr-un loc superb , Castelul Haller, comuna Ogra, Langa Targu Mures. Multumesc celor doi ca au avut incredere in mine sa imortalizez o zi importanta pentru ei.
EN: I was recommended to Imola by her sister, who liked my images and my style. We gathered all, and liked each other instantly. The wedding was a small cosy destination wedding with their loved ones, in a fabulous place, The Haller Castle, in the Ogra Village, near Targu Mures. I am thankful that they trusted me to stop the time in a such important day for them.