RO: Andreea mi-a fost eleva la cursul foto, si momentan este studenta la Foto-Video- P.c.i. la UAD cluj, fapt cu care ma mandresc. Inainte sa plece l-a Cluj-Napoca, m-a rugat sa facem o sedinta foto de familie. Am urcat la Platoul Cornesti si am facut o plimbare scurta in zona. Rezultatele mai jos. Sper sa va placa.
EN: Andreea was my student at my photography course, and now is a student at UAD Cluj, Department of Photography-Video-Computer Proccesed Images. Befoe she went to Cluj-Napoca, she asked me to make a photosession with her family. We gathered at Platoul Cornesti and took a short walk. Below are the results. I hope you enjoy the images.